Custom Exceptions

The render_error() function can be used to render multi-line error messages with stem.util.term colours.

The darc project provides following custom exceptions:

The darc project provides following custom exceptions:

exception darc.error.APIRequestFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

API submit failed.

exception darc.error.FreenetBootstrapFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

Freenet bootstrap process failed.

exception darc.error.I2PBootstrapFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

I2P bootstrap process failed.

exception darc.error.LinkNoReturn[source]

Bases: Exception

The link has no return value from the hooks.

exception darc.error.LockWarning[source]

Bases: Warning

Failed to acquire Redis lock.

exception darc.error.SiteNotFoundWarning[source]

Bases: ImportWarning

Site customisation not found.

exception darc.error.TorBootstrapFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

Tor bootstrap process failed.

exception darc.error.TorRenewFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

Tor renew request failed.

Bases: Exception

The link is not supported.

exception darc.error.UnsupportedPlatform[source]

Bases: Exception

The platform is not supported.

exception darc.error.UnsupportedProxy[source]

Bases: Exception

The proxy is not supported.

exception darc.error.ZeroNetBootstrapFailed[source]

Bases: Warning

ZeroNet bootstrap process failed.

darc.error.render_error(message, colour)[source]

Render error message.

The function wraps the stem.util.term.format() function to provide multi-line formatting support.

  • message (str) – Multi-line message to be rendered with colour.

  • colour (stem.util.term.Color) – Front colour of text, c.f. stem.util.term.Color.


The rendered error message.

Return type
