Source code for darc.error

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Custom Exceptions

The :func:`~darc.error.render_error` function can be used to render
multi-line error messages with |term|_ colours.

The :mod:`darc` project provides following custom exceptions:

* :exc:`~darc.error.LinkNoReturn`
* :exc:`~darc.error.UnsupportedLink`
* :exc:`~darc.error.UnsupportedPlatform`
* :exc:`~darc.error.UnsupportedProxy`

The :mod:`darc` project provides following custom exceptions:

* :exc:`~darc.error.TorBootstrapFailed`
* :exc:`~darc.error.I2PBootstrapFailed`
* :exc:`~darc.error.ZeroNetBootstrapFailed`
* :exc:`~darc.error.FreenetBootstrapFailed`
* :exc:`~darc.error.APIRequestFailed`
* :exc:`~darc.error.SiteNotFoundWarning`
* :exc:`~darc.error.LockWarning`
* :exc:`~darc.error.TorRenewFailed`


import stem.util.term

import darc.typing as typing

[docs]class LinkNoReturn(Exception): """The link has no return value from the hooks."""
[docs]class UnsupportedPlatform(Exception): """The platform is not supported."""
[docs]class UnsupportedProxy(Exception): """The proxy is not supported."""
[docs]class TorBootstrapFailed(Warning): """Tor bootstrap process failed."""
[docs]class TorRenewFailed(Warning): """Tor renew request failed."""
[docs]class I2PBootstrapFailed(Warning): """I2P bootstrap process failed."""
[docs]class ZeroNetBootstrapFailed(Warning): """ZeroNet bootstrap process failed."""
[docs]class FreenetBootstrapFailed(Warning): """Freenet bootstrap process failed."""
[docs]class APIRequestFailed(Warning): """API submit failed."""
[docs]class SiteNotFoundWarning(ImportWarning): """Site customisation not found."""
[docs]class LockWarning(Warning): """Failed to acquire Redis lock."""
[docs]def render_error(message: str, colour: typing.Color) -> str: """Render error message. The function wraps the |format|_ function to provide multi-line formatting support. Args: message: Multi-line message to be rendered with ``colour``. colour (stem.util.term.Color): Front colour of text, c.f. |color|_. Returns: The rendered error message. """ return ''.join( stem.util.term.format(line, colour) for line in message.splitlines(True) )