Source code for darc.signal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
"""Signal Handling

The :mod:`darc.signal` module contains the handlers for OS-level
signals, c.f. :mod:`signal`, for the :mod:`darc` module.


import collections
import enum
import os
import signal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from darc._compat import strsignal
from darc.const import FLAG_MP, FLAG_TH, PATH_ID, getpid
from darc.logging import logger

__all__ = ['register']

    from multiprocessing import Process
    from signal import Handlers, Signals  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    from threading import Thread
    from types import FrameType
    from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

#: Dict[int, List[Callable[[Optional[Union[int, Signals]], Optional[FrameType]], Any]]]:
#: List of registered custom signal handlers.
_HANDLER_REGISTRY = collections.defaultdict(list)  # type: Dict[int, List[Callable[[Optional[Union[int, Signals]], Optional[FrameType]], Any]]] # pylint: disable=line-too-long

[docs]def register( signum: 'Union[int, Signals]', handler: 'Callable[[Optional[Union[int, Signals]], Optional[FrameType]], Any]', *, _index: 'Optional[int]' = None ) -> 'Union[Callable[[Signals, FrameType], Any], int, Handlers, None]': """Register signal handler. Args: signum: The signal to register. handler: The signal handler function to be registered with :func:`signal.signal`. Keyword Args: _index: Position index for the signal handler function. See Also: The signal handler functions will be saved into :data:`~darc.signal._HANDLER_REGISTRY`. """ if isinstance(signum, enum.Enum): sigint = signum.value else: sigint = signum if _index is None: _HANDLER_REGISTRY[sigint].append(handler) else: _HANDLER_REGISTRY[sigint].insert(_index, handler) return signal.signal(signum, generic_handler)
[docs]def generic_handler(signum: 'Optional[Union[int, Signals]]' = None, frame: 'Optional[FrameType]' = None) -> None: """Generic signal handler. If the current process is not the main process, the function shall transfer the signal to the main process. The function is to be registered through :func:`signal.signal` and calls all registered signal handlers from the :data:`~darc.signal._HANDLER_REGISTRY` mapping. Args: signum: The signal to handle. frame (types.FrameType): The traceback frame from the signal. See Also: * :func:`darc.const.getpid` """ if signum is None: return if os.getpid() != (pid := getpid()): os.kill(pid, signum) return if isinstance(signum, enum.Enum): sigint = signum.value else: sigint = signum for func in _HANDLER_REGISTRY[sigint]: func(signum, frame) try: sig = strsignal(signum) if signum else signum except Exception: sig = f'Signal: {signum}''[DARC] Handled signal: %s <%s>', sig, frame)
[docs]def exit_signal(signum: 'Optional[Union[int, Signals]]' = None, frame: 'Optional[FrameType]' = None) -> None: """Handler for exiting signals. If the current process is not the main process, the function shall transfer the signal to the main process. Args: signum: The signal to handle. frame (types.FrameType): The traceback frame from the signal. See Also: * :func:`darc.const.getpid` """ from darc.process import _WORKER_POOL # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel if FLAG_MP and _WORKER_POOL: for proc in cast('List[Process]', _WORKER_POOL): proc.kill() proc.join() if FLAG_TH and _WORKER_POOL: for thrd in cast('List[Thread]', _WORKER_POOL): thrd._stop() # type: ignore[attr-defined] # pylint: disable=protected-access thrd.join() if os.path.isfile(PATH_ID): os.remove(PATH_ID) try: sig = strsignal(signum) if signum else signum except Exception: sig = signum'[DARC] Exit with signal: %s <%s>', sig, frame)