Source code for darc.proxy.null

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""No Proxy

The :mod:`darc.proxy.null` module contains the auxiliary functions
around managing and processing normal websites with no proxy.


import gzip
import io
import json
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import bs4
import requests

from darc._compat import RobotFileParser
from darc.const import CHECK, PATH_MISC, get_lock
from darc.db import save_requests
from import parse_link
from darc.logging import logger
from darc.parse import _check, get_content_type, urljoin
from darc.requests import request_session
from import save_link

    from typing import List, Optional

    import as darc_link  # Link

PATH = os.path.join(PATH_MISC, 'invalid.txt')
LOCK = get_lock()

[docs]def save_invalid(link: 'darc_link.Link') -> None: """Save link with invalid scheme. The function will save link with invalid scheme to the file as defined in :data:`~darc.proxy.null.PATH`. Args: link: Link object representing the link with invalid scheme. """ with LOCK: # type: ignore[union-attr] with open(PATH, 'a') as file: print(json.dumps({ 'src': backref.url if (backref := link.url_backref) is not None else None, # pylint: disable=used-before-assignment 'url': link.url, }), file=file)
[docs]def save_robots(link: 'darc_link.Link', text: str) -> str: """Save ``robots.txt``. Args: link: Link object of ``robots.txt``. text: Content of ``robots.txt``. Returns: Saved path to ``robots.txt``, i.e. ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/robots.txt``. See Also: * :func:`` """ path = os.path.join(link.base, 'robots.txt') root = os.path.split(path)[0] os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'w') as file: print(f'# {link.url}', file=file) file.write(text) return path
[docs]def save_sitemap(link: 'darc_link.Link', text: str) -> str: """Save sitemap. Args: link: Link object of sitemap. text: Content of sitemap. Returns: Saved path to sitemap, i.e. ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/sitemap_<hash>.xml``. See Also: * :func:`` """ # <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/sitemap_<hash>.xml path = os.path.join(link.base, f'sitemap_{}.xml') root = os.path.split(path)[0] os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'w') as file: print(f'<!-- {link.url} -->', file=file) file.write(text) save_link(link) return path
[docs]def have_robots(link: 'darc_link.Link') -> 'Optional[str]': """Check if ``robots.txt`` already exists. Args: link: Link object to check if ``robots.txt`` already exists. Returns: * If ``robots.txt`` exists, return the path to ``robots.txt``, i.e. ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/robots.txt``. * If not, return :data:`None`. """ # <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/robots.txt path = os.path.join(link.base, 'robots.txt') return path if os.path.isfile(path) else None
[docs]def have_sitemap(link: 'darc_link.Link') -> 'Optional[str]': """Check if sitemap already exists. Args: link: Link object to check if sitemap already exists. Returns: * If sitemap exists, return the path to the sitemap, i.e. ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/sitemap_<hash>.xml``. * If not, return :data:`None`. """ # <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/sitemap_<hash>.xml path = os.path.join(link.base, f'sitemap_{}.xml') return path if os.path.isfile(path) else None
[docs]def read_robots(link: 'darc_link.Link', text: str, host: 'Optional[str]' = None) -> 'List[darc_link.Link]': """Read ``robots.txt`` to fetch link to sitemaps. Args: link: Original link to ``robots.txt``. text: Content of ``robots.txt``. host: Hostname of the URL to ``robots.txt``, the value may not be same as in ``link``. Returns: List of link to sitemaps. Note: If the link to sitemap is not specified in ``robots.txt`` [*]_, the fallback link ``/sitemap.xml`` will be used. .. [*] """ rp = RobotFileParser() with io.StringIO(text) as file: rp.parse(file) sitemaps = rp.site_maps() if sitemaps is None: return [parse_link(urljoin(link.url, '/sitemap.xml'), backref=link)] return [parse_link(urljoin(link.url, sitemap), host=host, backref=link) for sitemap in sitemaps]
[docs]def get_sitemap(link: 'darc_link.Link', text: str, host: 'Optional[str]' = None) -> 'List[darc_link.Link]': """Fetch link to other sitemaps from a sitemap. Args: link: Original link to the sitemap. text: Content of the sitemap. host: Hostname of the URL to the sitemap, the value may not be same as in ``link``. Returns: List of link to sitemaps. Note: As specified in the sitemap protocol, it may contain links to other sitemaps. [*]_ .. [*] """ sitemaps = [] soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, 'html5lib') # for loc in'sitemapindex > sitemap > loc'): sitemaps.append(urljoin(link.url, loc.text)) return [parse_link(sitemap, host=host, backref=link) for sitemap in sitemaps]
[docs]def read_sitemap(link: 'darc_link.Link', text: str, check: bool = CHECK) -> 'List[darc_link.Link]': """Read sitemap. Args: link: Original link to the sitemap. text: Content of the sitemap. check: If perform checks on extracted links, default to :data:`~darc.const.CHECK`. Returns: List of links extracted. See Also: * :func:`darc.parse._check` * :func:`darc.parse._check_ng` """ soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text, 'html5lib') # temp_list = [parse_link(urljoin(link.url, loc.text),, backref=link) for loc in'urlset > url > loc')] # check content / proxy type if check: return _check(temp_list) return temp_list
[docs]def fetch_sitemap(link: 'darc_link.Link', force: bool = False) -> None: """Fetch sitemap. The function will first fetch the ``robots.txt``, then fetch the sitemaps accordingly. Args: link: Link object to fetch for its sitemaps. force: Force refetch its sitemaps. Returns: Contents of ``robots.txt`` and sitemaps. See Also: * :func:`darc.proxy.null.read_robots` * :func:`darc.proxy.null.read_sitemap` * :func:`darc.parse.get_sitemap` """ if force: logger.warning('[ROBOTS] Force refetch %s', link.url) robots_path = None if force else have_robots(link) if robots_path is not None: logger.warning('[ROBOTS] Cached %s', link.url) with open(robots_path) as file: robots_text = else: robots_link = parse_link(urljoin(link.url, '/robots.txt'), backref=link)'[ROBOTS] Checking %s', robots_link.url) with request_session(robots_link) as session: try: response = session.get(robots_link.url) except requests.RequestException: logger.pexc(message=f'[ROBOTS] Failed on {robots_link.url}') return if response.ok: ct_type = get_content_type(response) if ct_type not in ['text/text', 'text/plain']: logger.error('[ROBOTS] Unresolved content type on %s (%s)', robots_link.url, ct_type) robots_text = '' else: robots_text = response.text save_robots(robots_link, robots_text)'[ROBOTS] Checked %s', robots_link.url) else: logger.error('[ROBOTS] Failed on %s [%d]', robots_link.url, response.status_code) robots_text = '' if force: logger.warning('[SITEMAP] Force refetch %s', link.url) sitemaps = read_robots(link, robots_text, for sitemap_link in sitemaps: sitemap_path = None if force else have_sitemap(sitemap_link) if sitemap_path is not None: logger.warning('[SITEMAP] Cached %s', sitemap_link.url) with open(sitemap_path) as file: sitemap_text = else:'[SITEMAP] Fetching %s', sitemap_link.url) with request_session(sitemap_link) as session: try: response = session.get(sitemap_link.url) except requests.RequestException: logger.pexc(message=f'[SITEMAP] Failed on {sitemap_link.url}') continue if not response.ok: logger.error('[SITEMAP] Failed on %s [%d]', sitemap_link.url, response.status_code) continue # check content type ct_type = get_content_type(response) if ct_type == 'application/gzip': try: sitemap_text = gzip.decompress(response.content).decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: sitemap_text = response.text elif ct_type in ['text/xml', 'text/html']: sitemap_text = response.text save_sitemap(sitemap_link, sitemap_text) else: logger.error('[SITEMAP] Unresolved content type on %s (%s)', sitemap_link.url, ct_type) continue'[SITEMAP] Fetched %s', sitemap_link.url) # get more sitemaps sitemaps.extend(get_sitemap(sitemap_link, sitemap_text, # add link to queue save_requests(read_sitemap(link, sitemap_text))