Module Constants ================ Auxiliary Function ------------------ .. autofunction:: darc.const.getpid .. autofunction:: darc.const.get_lock General Configurations ---------------------- .. data:: darc.const.REBOOT :type: bool If exit the program after first round, i.e. crawled all links from the :mod:`requests` link database and loaded all links from the :mod:`selenium` link database. This can be useful especially when the capacity is limited and you wish to save some space before continuing next round. See :doc:`Docker integration ` for more information. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_REBOOT` .. data:: darc.const.DEBUG :type: bool If run the program in debugging mode. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_DEBUG` .. data:: darc.const.VERBOSE :type: bool If run the program in verbose mode. If :data:`~darc.const.DEBUG` is :data:`True`, then the verbose mode will be always enabled. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_VERBOSE` .. data:: darc.const.FORCE :type: bool If ignore ``robots.txt`` rules when crawling (c.f. :func:`~darc.crawl.crawler`). :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_FORCE` .. data:: darc.const.CHECK :type: bool If check proxy and hostname before crawling (when calling :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links`, :func:`~darc.proxy.null.read_sitemap` and :func:`~darc.proxy.i2p.read_hosts`). If :data:`~darc.const.CHECK_NG` is :data:`True`, then this environment variable will be always set as :data:`True`. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_CHECK` .. data:: darc.const.CHECK_NG :type: bool If check content type through ``HEAD`` requests before crawling (when calling :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links`, :func:`~darc.proxy.null.read_sitemap` and :func:`~darc.proxy.i2p.read_hosts`). :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_CHECK_CONTENT_TYPE` .. data:: darc.const.ROOT :type: str The root folder of the project. .. data:: darc.const.CWD :value: '.' The current working direcory. .. data:: darc.const.DARC_CPU :type: int Number of concurrent processes. If not provided, then the number of system CPUs will be used. :default: :data:`None` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_CPU` .. data:: darc.const.FLAG_MP :type: bool If enable *multiprocessing* support. :default: :data:`True` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_MULTIPROCESSING` .. data:: darc.const.FLAG_TH :type: bool If enable *multithreading* support. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_MULTITHREADING` .. note:: :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_MP` and :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_TH` can **NOT** be toggled at the same time. .. data:: darc.const.DARC_USER :type: str *Non-root* user for proxies. :default: current login user (c.f. |getuser|_) :environ: :envvar:`DARC_USER` .. |getuser| replace:: :func:`getpass.getuser` .. _getuser: Data Storage ------------ .. seealso:: See :mod:`darc.db` for more information about database integration. .. data:: darc.const.REDIS :type: redis.Redis URL to the Redis database. :default: ``redis://`` :environ: :envvar:`REDIS_URL` .. data:: darc.const.DB :type: peewee.Database URL to the RDS storage. :default: ``sqlite://{PATH_DB}/darc.db`` :environ: :envvar`DB_URL` .. data:: darc.const.DB_WEB :type: peewee.Database URL to the data submission storage. :default: ``sqlite://{PATH_DB}/darcweb.db`` :environ: :envvar`DB_URL` .. data:: darc.const.FLAG_DB :type: bool Flag if uses RDS as the task queue backend. If :envvar:`REDIS_URL` is provided, then :data:`False`; else, :data:`True`. .. data:: darc.const.PATH_DB :type: str Path to data storage. :default: ``data`` :environ: :envvar:`PATH_DATA` .. seealso:: See :mod:`` for more information about source saving. .. data:: darc.const.PATH_MISC :value: '{PATH_DB}/misc/' Path to miscellaneous data storage, i.e. ``misc`` folder under the root of data storage. .. seealso:: * :data:`darc.const.PATH_DB` .. data:: darc.const.PATH_LN :value: '{PATH_DB}/link.csv' Path to the link CSV file, ``link.csv``. .. seealso:: * :data:`darc.const.PATH_DB` * :data:`` .. data:: darc.const.PATH_ID :value: '{PATH_DB}/' Path to the process ID file, ````. .. seealso:: * :data:`darc.const.PATH_DB` * :func:`darc.const.getpid` Web Crawlers ------------ .. data:: darc.const.DARC_WAIT :type: Optional[float] Time interval between each round when the :mod:`requests` and/or :mod:`selenium` database are empty. :default: ``60`` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_WAIT` .. data:: darc.const.TIME_CACHE :type: float Time delta for caches in seconds. The :mod:`darc` project supports *caching* for fetched files. :data:`~darc.const.TIME_CACHE` will specify for how log the fetched files will be cached and **NOT** fetched again. .. note:: If :data:`~darc.const.TIME_CACHE` is :data:`None` then caching will be marked as *forever*. :default: ``60`` :environ: :envvar:`TIME_CACHE` .. data:: darc.const.SE_WAIT :type: float Time to wait for :mod:`selenium` to finish loading pages. .. note:: Internally, :mod:`selenium` will wait for the browser to finish loading the pages before return (i.e. the web API event |event|_). However, some extra scripts may take more time running after the event. .. |event| replace:: ``DOMContentLoaded`` .. _event: :default: ``60`` :environ: :envvar:`SE_WAIT` .. data:: darc.const.SE_EMPTY :value: '' The empty page from :mod:`selenium`. .. seealso:: * :func:`darc.crawl.loader` White / Black Lists ------------------- .. data:: darc.const.LINK_WHITE_LIST :type: List[re.Pattern] White list of hostnames should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`LINK_WHITE_LIST` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: darc.const.LINK_BLACK_LIST :type: List[re.Pattern] Black list of hostnames should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`LINK_BLACK_LIST` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: darc.const.LINK_FALLBACK :type: bool Fallback value for :func:`~darc.parse.match_host`. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`LINK_FALLBACK` .. data:: darc.const.MIME_WHITE_LIST :type: List[re.Pattern] White list of content types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`MIME_WHITE_LIST` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: darc.const.MIME_BLACK_LIST :type: List[re.Pattern] Black list of content types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`MIME_BLACK_LIST` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: darc.const.MIME_FALLBACK :type: bool Fallback value for :func:`~darc.parse.match_mime`. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`MIME_FALLBACK` .. data:: darc.const.PROXY_WHITE_LIST :type: List[str] White list of proxy types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`PROXY_WHITE_LIST` .. note:: The proxy types are **case insensitive**. .. data:: darc.const.PROXY_BLACK_LIST :type: List[str] Black list of proxy types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` :environ: :envvar:`PROXY_BLACK_LIST` .. note:: The proxy types are **case insensitive**. .. data:: darc.const.PROXY_FALLBACK :type: bool Fallback value for :func:`~darc.parse.match_proxy`. :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`PROXY_FALLBACK`