How to implement a custom proxy middleware? =========================================== As had been discussed already in the `documentation`_, the implementation of a custom proxy is merely two *factory* functions: one yields a :class:`requests.Session` and/or :class:`requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession` instance, one yields a :class:`selenium.webdriver.Chrome` instance; both with proxy presets. .. _documentation: See below an example from the documentation. .. code-block:: python from darc.proxy import register Session Factory --------------- The session factory returns a :class:`requests.Session` and/or :class:`requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession` instance with presets, e.g. proxies, user agent, etc. Type annocation of the function can be described as .. code-block:: python def get_session(futures=False) -> requests.Session: ... @typing.overload def get_session(futures=True) -> requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession: ... For example, let's say you're implementing a Socks5 proxy for `localhost:9293`, with other presets same as the default factory function, c.f. :func:`darc.requests.null_session`. .. code-block:: python import requests import requests_futures.sessions from darc.const import DARC_CPU from darc.requests import default_user_agent def socks5_session(futures=False): """Socks5 proxy session. Args: futures: If returns a :class:`requests_futures.FuturesSession`. Returns: Union[requests.Session, requests_futures.FuturesSession]: The session object with Socks5 proxy settings. """ if futures: session = requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession(max_workers=DARC_CPU) else: session = requests.Session() session.headers['User-Agent'] = default_user_agent(proxy='Socks5') session.proxies.update(dict( http='socks5h://localhost:9293', https='socks5h://localhost:9293', )) return session In this case when :mod:`darc` needs to use a Socks5 session for its *crawler* worker nodes, it will call the ``socks5_session`` function to obtain a preset session instance. Driver Factory -------------- The driver factory returns a :class:`selenium.webdriver.Chrome` instance with presets, e.g. proxies, options/switches, etc. Type annocation of the function can be described as .. code-block:: python def get_driver() -> selenium.webdriver.Chrome: ... For example, let's say you're implementing a Socks5 proxy for `localhost:9293`, with other presets same as the default factory function, c.f. :func:`darc.selenium.null_driver`. .. code-block:: python import selenium.webdriver import selenium.webdriver.common.proxy from darc.selenium import BINARY_LOCATION def socks5_driver(): """Socks5 proxy driver. Returns: selenium.webdriver.Chrome: The web driver object with Socks5 proxy settings. """ options = selenium.webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.binary_location = BINARY_LOCATION options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://localhost:9293') options.add_argument('--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE localhost"') proxy = selenium.webdriver.Proxy() proxy.proxyType = selenium.webdriver.common.proxy.ProxyType.MANUAL proxy.http_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293' proxy.ssl_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293' capabilities = selenium.webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() proxy.add_to_capabilities(capabilities) driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=capabilities) return driver In this case when :mod:`darc` needs to use a Socks5 driver for its *loader* worker nodes, it will call the ``socks5_driver`` function to obtain a preset driver instance. What should I do to register the proxy? --------------------------------------- All proxies are managed in the :mod:`darc.proxy` module and you can register your own proxy through :func:`darc.proxy.register`: .. code-block:: python # register proxy register('socks5', socks5_session, socks5_driver) As the codes above suggest, the :func:`darc.proxy.register` takes three positional arguments: proxy type, session and driver factory functions. .. seealso:: :download:` <../../../demo/docs/>`