
Currently, darc provides three major customisation points, besides the various environment variables.

Hooks between Rounds

See also

See darc.process.register() for technical information.

As the workers are defined as indefinite loops, we introduced the hooks between rounds to be called at end of each loop. Such hook functions can process all links that had been crawled and/or loaded in the past round, or to indicate the end of the indefinite loop, so that we can stop the workers in an elegant way.

A typical hook function can be defined as following:

from darc.process import register

def dummy_hook(node_type, link_pool):
    """A sample hook function that prints the processed links
    in the past round and informs the work to quit.

        node_type (Literal['crawler', 'loader']): Type of worker node.
        link_pool (List[]): List of processed links.

        NoReturn: The hook function will never return, though return
            values will be ignored anyway.

        darc.error.WorkerBreak: Inform the work to quit after this round.

    if node_type == 'crawler':
        verb = 'crawled'
    elif node_type == 'loader':
        verb = 'loaded'
        raise ValueError('unknown type of worker node: %s' % node_type)

    for link in link_pool:
        print('We just %s the link: %s' % (verb, link.url))
    raise WorkerBreak

# register the hook function

Custom Proxy

See also

See darc.proxy.register() for technical information.

Sometimes, we need proxies to connect to certain targers, such as the Tor network and I2P proxy. darc decides if it need to use a proxy for connection based on the proxy value of the target link.

By default, darc uses no proxy for requests sessions and selenium drivers. However, you may use your own proxies by registering and/or customising the corresponding factory functions.

A typical factory function pair (e.g., for Socks5 proxy) can be defined as following:

import selenium.webdriver
import selenium.webdriver.common.proxy
from darc.proxy import register
from darc.requests import default_user_agent
from darc.selenium import BINARY_LOCATION

def socks5_session(futures=False):
    """Socks5 proxy session.

        futures: If returns a :class:`requests_futures.FuturesSession`.

        Union[requests.Session, requests_futures.FuturesSession]:
        The session object with Socks5 proxy settings.

    if futures:
     session = requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession(max_workers=DARC_CPU)
        session = requests.Session()

    session.headers['User-Agent'] = default_user_agent(proxy='Socks5')
        'http':  'socks5h://localhost:9293',
        'https': 'socks5h://localhost:9293',
    return session

def socks5_driver():
    """Socks5 proxy driver.

        selenium.webdriver.Chrome: The web driver object with Socks5 proxy settings.

    options = selenium.webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    options.binary_location = BINARY_LOCATION
    options.add_argument('--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE localhost"')

    proxy = selenium.webdriver.Proxy()
    proxy.proxyType = selenium.webdriver.common.proxy.ProxyType.MANUAL
    proxy.http_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293'
    proxy.ssl_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293'

    capabilities = selenium.webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()

    driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options,
    return driver

# register proxy
register('socks5', socks5_session, socks5_driver)

Sites Customisation

See also

See darc.sites.register() for technical information.

Since websites may require authentication and/or anti-robot checks, we need to insert certain cookies, animate some user interactions to bypass such requirements. darc decides which customisation to use based on the hostname, i.e. host value of the target link.

By default, darc uses darc.sites.default as the no op for both requests sessions and selenium drivers. However, you may use your own sites customisation by registering and/or customising the corresponding classes, which inherited from BaseSite.

A typical sites customisation class (for better demonstration) can be defined as following:

import time

from darc.const import SE_WAIT
from darc.sites import BaseSite, register

class MySite(BaseSite):
    """This is a site customisation class for demonstration purpose.
    You may implement a module as well should you prefer."""

    #: List[str]: Hostnames the sites customisation is designed for.
    hostname = ['', '']

    def crawler(session, link):
        """Crawler hook for my site.

            session (requests.Session): Session object with proxy settings.
            link ( Link object to be crawled.

            requests.Response: The final response object with crawled data.

        # inject cookies
        session.cookies.set('SessionID', 'fake-session-id-value')

        response = session.get(link.url, allow_redirects=True)
        return response

    def loader(driver, link):
        """Loader hook for my site.

            driver (selenium.webdriver.Chrome): Web driver object with proxy settings.
            link ( Link object to be loaded.

            selenium.webdriver.Chrome: The web driver object with loaded data.

        # land on login page
        driver.get('https://%s/login' %

        # animate login attempt
        form = driver.find_element_by_id('login-form')


        # wait for page to finish loading
        if SE_WAIT is not None:

        return driver

# register sites


Please note that you may raise darc.error.LinkNoReturn in the crawler and/or loader methods to indicate that such link should be ignored and removed from the task queues, e.g.