Customisations ============== Currently, :mod:`darc` provides three major customisation points, besides the various :doc:`environment variables `. Hooks between Rounds -------------------- .. seealso:: See :func:`darc.process.register` for technical information. As the workers are defined as indefinite loops, we introduced the *hooks between rounds* to be called at end of each loop. Such hook functions can process all links that had been crawled and/or loaded in the past round, or to indicate the end of the indefinite loop, so that we can stop the workers in an elegant way. A typical hook function can be defined as following: .. code-block:: python from darc.process import register def dummy_hook(node_type, link_pool): """A sample hook function that prints the processed links in the past round and informs the work to quit. Args: node_type (Literal['crawler', 'loader']): Type of worker node. link_pool (List[]): List of processed links. Returns: NoReturn: The hook function will never return, though return values will be ignored anyway. Raises: darc.error.WorkerBreak: Inform the work to quit after this round. """ if node_type == 'crawler': verb = 'crawled' elif node_type == 'loader': verb = 'loaded' else: raise ValueError('unknown type of worker node: %s' % node_type) for link in link_pool: print('We just %s the link: %s' % (verb, link.url)) raise WorkerBreak # register the hook function register(dummy_hook) Custom Proxy ------------ .. seealso:: See :func:`darc.proxy.register` for technical information. Sometimes, we need proxies to connect to certain targers, such as the Tor network and I2P proxy. :mod:`darc` decides if it need to use a proxy for connection based on the :attr:`` value of the target link. By default, :mod:`darc` uses *no proxy* for :mod:`requests` sessions and :mod:`selenium` drivers. However, you may use your own proxies by registering and/or customising the corresponding factory functions. A typical factory function pair (e.g., for Socks5 proxy) can be defined as following: .. code-block:: python import selenium.webdriver import selenium.webdriver.common.proxy from darc.proxy import register from darc.requests import default_user_agent from darc.selenium import BINARY_LOCATION def socks5_session(futures=False): """Socks5 proxy session. Args: futures: If returns a :class:`requests_futures.FuturesSession`. Returns: Union[requests.Session, requests_futures.FuturesSession]: The session object with Socks5 proxy settings. """ if futures: session = requests_futures.sessions.FuturesSession(max_workers=DARC_CPU) else: session = requests.Session() session.headers['User-Agent'] = default_user_agent(proxy='Socks5') session.proxies.update(dict( 'http': 'socks5h://localhost:9293', 'https': 'socks5h://localhost:9293', )) return session def socks5_driver(): """Socks5 proxy driver. Returns: selenium.webdriver.Chrome: The web driver object with Socks5 proxy settings. """ options = selenium.webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.binary_location = BINARY_LOCATION options.add_argument('--proxy-server=socks5://localhost:9293') options.add_argument('--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE localhost"') proxy = selenium.webdriver.Proxy() proxy.proxyType = selenium.webdriver.common.proxy.ProxyType.MANUAL proxy.http_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293' proxy.ssl_proxy = 'socks5://localhost:9293' capabilities = selenium.webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() proxy.add_to_capabilities(capabilities) driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=capabilities) return driver # register proxy register('socks5', socks5_session, socks5_driver) Sites Customisation ------------------- .. seealso:: See :func:`darc.sites.register` for technical information. Since websites may require authentication and/or anti-robot checks, we need to insert certain cookies, animate some user interactions to bypass such requirements. :mod:`darc` decides which customisation to use based on the hostname, i.e. :attr:`` value of the target link. By default, :mod:`darc` uses :mod:`darc.sites.default` as the *no op* for both :mod:`requests` sessions and :mod:`selenium` drivers. However, you may use your own sites customisation by registering and/or customising the corresponding classes, which inherited from :class:`~darc.sites._abc.BaseSite`. A typical sites customisation class (for better demonstration) can be defined as following: .. code-block:: python import time from darc.const import SE_WAIT from darc.sites import BaseSite, register class MySite(BaseSite): """This is a site customisation class for demonstration purpose. You may implement a module as well should you prefer.""" #: List[str]: Hostnames the sites customisation is designed for. hostname = ['', ''] @staticmethod def crawler(session, link): """Crawler hook for my site. Args: session (requests.Session): Session object with proxy settings. link ( Link object to be crawled. Returns: requests.Response: The final response object with crawled data. """ # inject cookies session.cookies.set('SessionID', 'fake-session-id-value') response = session.get(link.url, allow_redirects=True) return response @staticmethod def loader(driver, link): """Loader hook for my site. Args: driver (selenium.webdriver.Chrome): Web driver object with proxy settings. link ( Link object to be loaded. Returns: selenium.webdriver.Chrome: The web driver object with loaded data. """ # land on login page driver.get('https://%s/login' % # animate login attempt form = driver.find_element_by_id('login-form') form.find_element_by_id('username').send_keys('admin') form.find_element_by_id('password').send_keys('p@ssd') driver.get(link.url) # wait for page to finish loading if SE_WAIT is not None: time.sleep(SE_WAIT) return driver # register sites register(MySite) .. important:: Please note that you may raise :exc:`darc.error.LinkNoReturn` in the ``crawler`` and/or ``loader`` methods to indicate that such link should be ignored and removed from the task queues, e.g. :mod:``.