Data Submission

The darc project integrates the capability of submitting fetched data and information to a web server, to support real-time cross-analysis and status display.

There are three submission events:

  1. New Host Submission – API_NEW_HOST

    Submitted in crawler() function call, when the crawling URL is marked as a new host.

  2. Requests Submission – API_REQUESTS

    Submitted in crawler() function call, after the crawling process of the URL using requests.

  3. Selenium Submission – API_SELENIUM

    Submitted in loader() function call, after the loading process of the URL using selenium.

See also

Please refer to data schema for more information about the submission data.


Read hosts.txt.


link ( – Link object to read hosts.txt.


  • If hosts.txt exists, return the data from hosts.txt.

    • path – relative path from hosts.txt to root of data storage PATH_DB, <proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/hosts.txt

    • database64 encoded content of hosts.txt

  • If not, return None.

Return type

Optional[Dict[str, AnyStr]]


Generate metadata field.


link ( – Link object to generate metadata.


The metadata from link.

Return type

Dict[str, str]


Read robots.txt.


link ( – Link object to read robots.txt.


  • If robots.txt exists, return the data from robots.txt.

    • path – relative path from robots.txt to root of data storage PATH_DB, <proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/robots.txt

    • database64 encoded content of robots.txt

  • If not, return None.

Return type

Optional[Dict[str, AnyStr]]


Read sitemaps.


link ( – Link object to read sitemaps.


  • If sitemaps exist, return list of the data from sitemaps.

    • path – relative path from sitemap to root of data storage PATH_DB, <proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/sitemap_<hash>.xml

    • database64 encoded content of sitemap

  • If not, return None.

Return type

Optional[List[Dict[str, AnyStr]]]

darc.submit.save_submit(domain, data)[source]

Save failed submit data.

  • domain ('new_host', 'requests' or 'selenium') – Domain of the submit data.

  • data (Dict[str, Any]) – Submit data.

darc.submit.submit(api, domain, data)[source]

Submit data.

  • api (str) – API URL.

  • domain ('new_host', 'requests' or 'selenium') – Domain of the submit data.

  • data (Dict[str, Any]) – Submit data.

darc.submit.submit_new_host(time, link, partial=False, force=False)[source]

Submit new host.

When a new host is discovered, the darc crawler will submit the host information. Such includes robots.txt (if exists) and sitemap.xml (if any).

  • time (datetime.datetime) – Timestamp of submission.

  • link ( – Link object of submission.

  • partial (bool) – If the data is not complete, i.e. failed when fetching robots.txt, hosts.txt and/or sitemaps.

  • force (bool) – If the data is force re-fetched, i.e. cache expired when checking with darc.db.have_hostname().

If API_NEW_HOST is None, the data for submission will directly be save through save_submit().

The data submitted should have following format:

    // partial flag - true / false
    "$PARTIAL$": ...,
    // force flag - true / false
    "$FORCE$": ...,
    // metadata of URL
    "[metadata]": {
        // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
        "url": ...,
        // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
        "proxy": ...,
        // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
        "host": ...,
        // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
        "base": ...,
        // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
        //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
        //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
        //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
        //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
        "name": ...
    // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
    "Timestamp": ...,
    // original URL
    "URL": ...,
    // robots.txt from the host (if not exists, then ``null``)
    "Robots": {
        // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/robots.txt
        "path": ...,
        // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
        "data": ...,
    // sitemaps from the host (if none, then ``null``)
    "Sitemaps": [
            // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
            //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/sitemap_<name>.xml
            "path": ...,
            // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
            "data": ...,
    // hosts.txt from the host (if proxy type is ``i2p``; if not exists, then ``null``)
    "Hosts": {
        // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/hosts.txt
        "path": ...,
        // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
        "data": ...,
darc.submit.submit_requests(time, link, response, session, content, mime_type, html=True)[source]

Submit requests data.

When crawling, we’ll first fetch the URl using requests, to check its availability and to save its HTTP headers information. Such information will be submitted to the web UI.

  • time (datetime.datetime) – Timestamp of submission.

  • link ( – Link object of submission.

  • response (requests.Response) – Response object of submission.

  • session (requests.Session) – Session object of submission.

  • content (bytes) – Raw content of from the response.

  • mime_type (str) – Content type.

  • html (bool) – If current document is HTML or other files.

If API_REQUESTS is None, the data for submission will directly be save through save_submit().

The data submitted should have following format:

    // metadata of URL
    "[metadata]": {
        // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
        "url": ...,
        // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
        "proxy": ...,
        // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
        "host": ...,
        // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
        "base": ...,
        // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
        //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
        //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
        //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
        //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
        "name": ...
    // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
    "Timestamp": ...,
    // original URL
    "URL": ...,
    // request method
    "Method": "GET",
    // response status code
    "Status-Code": ...,
    // response reason
    "Reason": ...,
    // response cookies (if any)
    "Cookies": {
    // session cookies (if any)
    "Session": {
    // request headers (if any)
    "Request": {
    // response headers (if any)
    "Response": {
    // content type
    "Content-Type": ...,
    // requested file (if not exists, then ``null``)
    "Document": {
        // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
        // or if the document is of generic content type, i.e. not HTML
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
        "path": ...,
        // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
        "data": ...,
    // redirection history (if any)
    "History": [
        // same record data as the original response
        {"...": "..."}
darc.submit.submit_selenium(time, link, html, screenshot)[source]

Submit selenium data.

After crawling with requests, we’ll then render the URl using selenium with Google Chrome and its web driver, to provide a fully rendered web page. Such information will be submitted to the web UI.

  • time (datetime.datetime) – Timestamp of submission.

  • link ( – Link object of submission.

  • html (str) – HTML source of the web page.

  • screenshot (Optional[str]) – base64 encoded screenshot.

If API_SELENIUM is None, the data for submission will directly be save through save_submit().


This information is optional, only provided if the content type from requests is HTML, status code not between 400 and 600, and HTML data not empty.

The data submitted should have following format:

    // metadata of URL
    "[metadata]": {
        // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
        "url": ...,
        // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
        "proxy": ...,
        // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
        "host": ...,
        // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
        "base": ...,
        // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
        //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
        //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
        //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
        //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
        "name": ...
    // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
    "Timestamp": ...,
    // original URL
    "URL": ...,
    // rendered HTML document (if not exists, then ``null``)
    "Document": {
        // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
        "path": ...,
        // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
        "data": ...,
    // web page screenshot (if not exists, then ``null``)
    "Screenshot": {
        // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
        //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.png
        "path": ...,
        // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
        "data": ...,
darc.submit.PATH_API = '{PATH_DB}/api/'

Path to the API submittsion records, i.e. api folder under the root of data storage.

darc.submit.SAVE_DB: bool

Save submitted data to database.





darc.submit.API_RETRY: int

Retry times for API submission when failure.





darc.submit.API_NEW_HOST: str

API URL for submit_new_host().





darc.submit.API_REQUESTS: str

API URL for submit_requests().





darc.submit.API_SELENIUM: str

API URL for submit_selenium().






If API_NEW_HOST, API_REQUESTS and API_SELENIUM is None, the corresponding submit function will save the JSON data in the path specified by PATH_API.

See also

The darc provides a demo on how to implement a darc-compliant web backend for the data submission module. See the demo page for more information.