Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Source Saving

The :mod:`` module contains the core utilities
for managing fetched files and documents.

The data storage under the root path (:data:`~darc.const.PATH_DB`)
is typically as following::

    ├── api
    │   └── <proxy>
    │       └── <scheme>
    │           └── <hostname>
    │               ├── new_host
    │               │   └── <hash>_<timestamp>.json
    │               ├── requests
    │               │   └── <hash>_<timestamp>.json
    │               └── selenium
    │                   └── <hash>_<timestamp>.json
    ├── link.csv
    ├── misc
    │   ├── bitcoin.txt
    │   ├── data
    │   │   └── <hash>_<timestamp>.<ext>
    │   ├── ed2k.txt
    │   ├── invalid.txt
    │   ├── irc.txt
    │   ├── magnet.txt
    │   └── mail.txt
    └── <proxy>
        └── <scheme>
            └── <hostname>
                ├── <hash>_<timestamp>.json
                ├── robots.txt
                └── sitemap_<hash>.xml


import dataclasses
import json
import os

import darc.typing as typing
from darc._compat import datetime
from darc.const import PATH_DB, PATH_LN, get_lock
from import Link, quote

# lock for file I/O
_SAVE_LOCK = get_lock()

[docs]def sanitise(link: Link, time: typing.Optional[typing.Datetime] = None, # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name raw: bool = False, data: bool = False, headers: bool = False, screenshot: bool = False) -> str: """Sanitise link to path. Args: link: Link object to sanitise the path time (datetime): Timestamp for the path. raw: If this is a raw HTML document from :mod:`requests`. data: If this is a generic content type document. headers: If this is response headers from :mod:`requests`. screenshot: If this is the screenshot from :mod:`selenium`. Returns: * If ``raw`` is :data:`True`, ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>_raw.html``. * If ``data`` is :data:`True`, ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>.dat``. * If ``headers`` is :data:`True`, ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>.json``. * If ``screenshot`` is :data:`True`, ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>.png``. * If none above, ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>.html``. See Also: * :func:`darc.crawl.crawler` * :func:`darc.crawl.loader` """ os.makedirs(link.base, exist_ok=True) path = os.path.join(link.base, if time is None: time = ts = time.isoformat() if raw: return f'{path}_{ts}_raw.html' if headers: return f'{path}_{ts}.json' if data: return f'{path}_{ts}.dat' if screenshot: return f'{path}_{ts}.png' return f'{path}_{ts}.html'
[docs]def save_headers(time: typing.Datetime, link: Link, response: typing.Response, session: typing.Session) -> str: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """Save HTTP response headers. Args: time (datetime): Timestamp of response. link: Link object of response. response (:class:`requests.Response`): Response object to be saved. session (:class:`requests.Session`): Session object of response. Returns: Saved path to response headers, i.e. ``<root>/<proxy>/<scheme>/<hostname>/<hash>_<timestamp>.json``. The JSON data saved is as following: .. code-block:: json { "[metadata]": { "url": "...", "proxy": "...", "host": "...", "base": "...", "name": "..." }, "Timestamp": "...", "URL": "...", "Method": "GET", "Status-Code": "...", "Reason": "...", "Cookies": { "...": "..." }, "Session": { "...": "..." }, "Request": { "...": "..." }, "Response": { "...": "..." }, "History": [ {"...": "..."} ] } See Also: * :func:`` * :func:`darc.crawl.crawler` """ metadata = dataclasses.asdict(link) metadata['base'] = os.path.relpath(link.base, PATH_DB) del metadata['url_parse'] data = { '[metadata]': metadata, 'Timestamp': time.isoformat(), 'URL': response.url, 'Method': response.request.method, 'Status-Code': response.status_code, 'Reason': response.reason, 'Cookies': response.cookies.get_dict(), 'Session': session.cookies.get_dict(), 'Request': dict(response.request.headers), 'Response': dict(response.headers), 'History': [{ 'URL': history.url, 'Method': history.request.method, 'Status-Code': history.status_code, 'Reason': history.reason, 'Cookies': history.cookies.get_dict(), 'Request': dict(history.request.headers), 'Response': dict(history.headers), } for history in response.history], } path = sanitise(link, time, headers=True) with open(path, 'w') as file: json.dump(data, file, indent=2) save_link(link) return path