Source code for darc.db

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Link Database

The :mod:`darc` project utilises `Redis`_ based database
to provide tele-process communication.

.. note::

   In its first implementation, the :mod:`darc` project used
   :class:`~multiprocessing.Queue` to support such communication.
   However, as noticed when runtime, the :class:`~multiprocessing.Queue`
   object will be much affected by the lack of memory.

There will be three databases, all following the save naming
convension with ``queue_`` prefix:

* the hostname database -- ``queue_hostname`` (:class:`~darc.model.tasks.hostname.HostnameQueueModel`)
* the :mod:`requests` database -- ``queue_requests`` (:class:`~darc.model.tasks.requests.RequestsQueueModel`)
* the :mod:`selenium` database -- ``queue_selenium`` (:class:`~darc.model.tasks.selenium.SeleniumQueueModel`)

For ``queue_hostname``, it is a `Redis`_ **set** data type;
and for ``queue_requests`` and ``queue_selenium``, they
are both `Redis`_ **sorted set** data type.

If :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_DB` is :data:`True`, then the
module uses the RDS storage described by the :mod:`peewee`
models as backend.

.. _Redis:


import contextlib
import datetime
import math
import os
import pickle
import pprint
import shutil
import sys
import textwrap
import time
import warnings

import peewee
import redis.lock as redis_lock
import stem.util.term

import darc.typing as typing
from darc._compat import nullcontext
from darc.const import CHECK
from darc.const import DB as database
from darc.const import FLAG_DB
from darc.const import REDIS as redis
from darc.const import TIME_CACHE, VERBOSE
from darc.error import LockWarning, RedisCommandFailed, render_error
from import Link
from darc.model.tasks import HostnameQueueModel, RequestsQueueModel, SeleniumQueueModel
from darc.parse import _check

# use lock?
REDIS_LOCK = bool(int(os.getenv('DARC_REDIS_LOCK', '0')))

# Redis retry interval
REDIS_RETRY = float(os.getenv('DARC_REDIS_RETRY', '10'))
if not math.isfinite(REDIS_RETRY):
    REDIS_RETRY = None

# lock blocking timeout
LOCK_TIMEOUT = float(os.getenv('DARC_LOCK_TIMEOUT', '10'))
if not math.isfinite(LOCK_TIMEOUT):

# bulk size
BULK_SIZE = int(os.getenv('DARC_BULK_SIZE', '100'))

# max pool
MAX_POOL = float(os.getenv('DARC_MAX_POOL', '100'))
if math.isfinite(MAX_POOL):
    MAX_POOL = math.floor(MAX_POOL)

[docs]def _redis_command(command: str, *args, **kwargs) -> typing.Any: """Wrapper function for Redis command. Args: command: Command name. *args: Arbitrary arguments for the Redis command. Keyword Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments for the Redis command. Return: Values returned from the Redis command. Warns: RedisCommandFailed: Warns at each round when the command failed. See Also: Between each retry, the function sleeps for :data:`~darc.db.REDIS_RETRY` second(s) if such value is **NOT** :data:`None`. """ _arg_msg = None method = getattr(redis, command) while True: try: value = method(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as error: if _arg_msg is None: _args = ', '.join(map(repr, args)) _kwargs = ', '.join(f'{k}={v!r}' for k, v in kwargs.items()) if _kwargs: if _args: _args += ', ' _args += _kwargs _arg_msg = textwrap.shorten(_args, shutil.get_terminal_size().columns) warning = warnings.formatwarning(error, RedisCommandFailed, __file__, 85, f'value = redis.{command}({_arg_msg})') print(render_error(warning, stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), end='', file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member if REDIS_RETRY is not None: time.sleep(REDIS_RETRY) continue break return value
[docs]def _redis_get_lock(name: str, timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None, sleep: float = 0.1, blocking_timeout: typing.Optional[float] = None, lock_class: typing.Optional[redis_lock.Lock] = None, thread_local: bool = True) -> typing.Union[redis_lock.Lock, nullcontext]: """Get a lock for Redis operations. Args: name: Lock name. timeout: Maximum life for the lock. sleep: Amount of time to sleep per loop iteration when the lock is in blocking mode and another client is currently holding the lock. blocking_timeout: Maximum amount of time in seconds to spend trying to acquire the lock. lock_class: Lock implementation. thread_local: Whether the lock token is placed in thread-local storage. Returns: Return a new :class:`redis.lock.Lock` object using key ``name`` that mimics the behavior of :class:`threading.Lock`. Seel Also: If :data:`~darc.db.REDIS_LOCK` is :data:`False`, returns a :class:`contextlib.nullcontext` instead. """ if REDIS_LOCK: return _redis_command('lock', name, timeout, sleep, blocking_timeout, lock_class, thread_local) return nullcontext()
[docs]def have_hostname(link: Link) -> bool: """Check if current link is a new host. Args: link: Link to check against. Returns: If such link is a new host. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._have_hostname_db` * :func:`darc.db._have_hostname_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _have_hostname_db(link) return _have_hostname_redis(link)
[docs]def _have_hostname_db(link: Link) -> bool: """Check if current link is a new host. The function checks the :class:`~darc.models.tasks.hostname.HostnameQueueModel` table. Args: link: Link to check against. Returns: If such link is a new host. """ timestamp = if TIME_CACHE is None: threshold = -1 else: threshold = timestamp - TIME_CACHE model, created = HostnameQueueModel.get_or_create(, defaults=dict( timestamp=timestamp, )) if created: return False return model.timestamp > threshold
[docs]def _have_hostname_redis(link: Link) -> bool: """Check if current link is a new host. The function checks the ``queue_hostname`` database. Args: link: Link to check against. Returns: If such link is a new host. """ with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_hostname'): code = _redis_command('sadd', 'queue_hostname', flag = not bool(code) # 1 - success; 0 - failed return flag
[docs]def drop_hostname(link: Link): """Remove link from the hostname database. Args: link: Link to be removed. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._drop_hostname_db` * :func:`darc.db._drop_hostname_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _drop_hostname_db(link) return _drop_hostname_redis(link)
[docs]def _drop_hostname_db(link: Link): """Remove link from the hostname database. The function updates the :class:`~darc.models.tasks.hostname.HostnameQueueModel` table. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ model: HostnameQueueModel = HostnameQueueModel.get_or_none(HostnameQueueModel.hostname == if model is None: return model.delete_instance()
[docs]def _drop_hostname_redis(link: Link): """Remove link from the hostname database. The function updates the ``queue_hostname`` database. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_hostname'): _redis_command('srem', 'queue_hostname',
[docs]def drop_requests(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`requests` database. Args: link: Link to be removed. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._drop_requests_db` * :func:`darc.db._drop_requests_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _drop_requests_db(link) return _drop_requests_redis(link)
[docs]def _drop_requests_db(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`requests` database. The function updates the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.requests.RequestsQueueModel` table. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ model: RequestsQueueModel = RequestsQueueModel.get_or_none(RequestsQueueModel.text == link.url) if model is None: return model.delete_instance()
[docs]def _drop_requests_redis(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`requests` database. The function updates the ``queue_requests`` database. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_requests'): _redis_command('zrem', 'queue_requests', pickle.dumps(link))
[docs]def drop_selenium(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`selenium` database. Args: link: Link to be removed. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._drop_selenium_db` * :func:`darc.db._drop_selenium_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _drop_selenium_db(link) return _drop_selenium_redis(link)
[docs]def _drop_selenium_db(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`selenium` database. The function updates the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.selenium.SeleniumQueueModel` table. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ model: SeleniumQueueModel = SeleniumQueueModel.get_or_none(SeleniumQueueModel.text == link.url) if model is None: return model.delete_instance()
[docs]def _drop_selenium_redis(link: Link): """Remove link from the :mod:`selenium` database. The function updates the ``queue_selenium`` database. Args: link: Link to be removed. """ with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_selenium'): _redis_command('zrem', 'queue_selenium', pickle.dumps(link))
[docs]def save_requests(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`requests` database. The function updates the ``queue_requests`` database. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`requests` database. It can be either a :obj:`list` of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is a :obj:`list` of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. Notes: The ``entries`` will be dumped through :mod:`pickle` so that :mod:`darc` do not need to parse them again. When ``entries`` is a list of :class:`` instances, we tries to perform *bulk* update to easy the memory consumption. The *bulk* size is defined by :data:`~darc.db.BULK_SIZE`. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._save_requests_db` * :func:`darc.db._save_requests_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _save_requests_db(entries, single, score, nx, xx) return _save_requests_redis(entries, single, score, nx, xx)
[docs]def _save_requests_db(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`requests` database. The function updates the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.requests.RequestsQueueModel` table. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`requests` database. It can be either a :obj:`list` of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is a :obj:`list` of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. """ if not entries: return if score is None: score = if not single: if nx: with database.atomic(): insert_many = [dict( text=link.url,, link=link, timestamp=score, ) for link in entries] for batch in peewee.chunked(insert_many, BULK_SIZE): (RequestsQueueModel .insert_many(insert_many) .on_conflict_ignore() .execute()) return if xx: entries_text = [link.url for link in entries] (RequestsQueueModel .update(timestamp=score) .where(RequestsQueueModel.text.in_(entries_text)) .execute()) return with database.atomic(): replace_many = [dict( text=link.url,, link=link, timestamp=score ) for link in entries] for batch in peewee.chunked(replace_many, BULK_SIZE): RequestsQueueModel.replace_many(batch).execute() return if nx: RequestsQueueModel.get_or_create( text=entries.url, defaults=dict(, link=entries, timestamp=score, ) ) return if xx: with contextlib.suppress(peewee.DoesNotExist): model = RequestsQueueModel.get(RequestsQueueModel.text == entries.url) model.timestamp = score return RequestsQueueModel.replace( text=entries.url,, link=entries, timestamp=score ).execute()
[docs]def _save_requests_redis(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`requests` database. The function updates the ``queue_requests`` database. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`requests` database. It can be either a :obj:`list` of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is a :obj:`list` of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Forces ``ZADD`` to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Forces ``ZADD`` to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. """ if score is None: score = time.time() if not single: for i in range(0, len(entries), BULK_SIZE): mapping = { pickle.dumps(link): score for link in entries[i:i + BULK_SIZE] } with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_requests'): _redis_command('zadd', 'queue_requests', mapping, nx=nx, xx=xx) return mapping = { pickle.dumps(entries): score, } with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_requests'): _redis_command('zadd', 'queue_requests', mapping, nx=nx, xx=xx)
[docs]def save_selenium(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`selenium` database. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`selenium` database. It can be either a :obj:`list` of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is a :obj:`list` of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. Notes: The ``entries`` will be dumped through :mod:`pickle` so that :mod:`darc` do not need to parse them again. When ``entries`` is a list of :class:`` instances, we tries to perform *bulk* update to easy the memory consumption. The *bulk* size is defined by :data:`~darc.db.BULK_SIZE`. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._save_selenium_db` * :func:`darc.db._save_selenium_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): return _save_selenium_db(entries, single, score, nx, xx) return _save_selenium_redis(entries, single, score, nx, xx)
[docs]def _save_selenium_db(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`selenium` database. The function updates the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.selenium.SeleniumQueueModel` table. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`selenium` database. It can be either a :obj:`list` of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is a :obj:`list` of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. """ if not entries: return if score is None: score = if not single: if nx: with database.atomic(): insert_many = [dict( text=link.url,, link=link, timestamp=score, ) for link in entries] for batch in peewee.chunked(insert_many, BULK_SIZE): (SeleniumQueueModel .insert_many(insert_many) .on_conflict_ignore() .execute()) return if xx: entries_text = [link.url for link in entries] (SeleniumQueueModel .update(timestamp=score) .where(SeleniumQueueModel.text.in_(entries_text)) .execute()) return with database.atomic(): replace_many = [dict( text=link.url,, link=link, timestamp=score ) for link in entries] for batch in peewee.chunked(replace_many, BULK_SIZE): SeleniumQueueModel.replace_many(batch).execute() return if nx: SeleniumQueueModel.get_or_create( text=entries.url, defaults=dict(, link=entries, timestamp=score, ) ) return if xx: with contextlib.suppress(peewee.DoesNotExist): model = SeleniumQueueModel.get(SeleniumQueueModel.text == entries.url) model.timestamp = score return SeleniumQueueModel.replace( text=entries.url,, link=entries, timestamp=score ).execute()
[docs]def _save_selenium_redis(entries: typing.List[Link], single: bool = False, score=None, nx=False, xx=False): """Save link to the :mod:`selenium` database. The function updates the ``queue_selenium`` database. Args: entries: Links to be added to the :mod:`selenium` database. It can be either an *iterable* of links, or a single link string (if ``single`` set as :data:`True`). single: Indicate if ``entries`` is an *iterable* of links or a single link string. score: Score to for the Redis sorted set. nx: Forces ``ZADD`` to only create new elements and not to update scores for elements that already exist. xx: Forces ``ZADD`` to only update scores of elements that already exist. New elements will not be added. When ``entries`` is a list of :class:`` instances, we tries to perform *bulk* update to easy the memory consumption. The *bulk* size is defined by :data:`~darc.db.BULK_SIZE`. Notes: The ``entries`` will be dumped through :mod:`pickle` so that :mod:`darc` do not need to parse them again. """ if not entries: return if score is None: score = time.time() if not single: for i in range(0, len(entries), BULK_SIZE): mapping = { pickle.dumps(link): score for link in entries[i:i + BULK_SIZE] } with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_selenium'): _redis_command('zadd', 'queue_selenium', mapping, nx=nx, xx=xx) return mapping = { pickle.dumps(entries): score, } with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_selenium'): _redis_command('zadd', 'queue_selenium', mapping, nx=nx, xx=xx)
[docs]def load_requests(check: bool = CHECK) -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`requests` database. Args: check: If perform checks on loaded links, default to :data:`~darc.const.CHECK`. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`requests` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._load_requests_db` * :func:`darc.db._load_requests_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): link_pool = _load_requests_db() else: link_pool = _load_requests_redis() if check: link_pool = _check(link_pool) if VERBOSE: print(stem.util.term.format('-*- [REQUESTS] LINK POOL -*-', stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member print(render_error(pprint.pformat(sorted(link.url for link in link_pool)), stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member print(stem.util.term.format('-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member return link_pool
[docs]def _load_requests_db() -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`requests` database. The function reads the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.requests.RequestsQueueModel` table. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`requests` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. """ now = if TIME_CACHE is None: sec_delta = 0 max_score = now else: sec_delta = TIME_CACHE max_score = now - sec_delta with database.atomic(): query: typing.List[RequestsQueueModel] = ( RequestsQueueModel .select( .where(RequestsQueueModel.timestamp <= max_score) .order_by(RequestsQueueModel.timestamp) .limit(MAX_POOL) ) link_pool = [ for model in query] if TIME_CACHE is not None: new_score = now + sec_delta _save_requests_db(link_pool, score=new_score) # force update records return link_pool
[docs]def _load_requests_redis() -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`requests` database. The function reads the ``queue_requests`` database. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`requests` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. """ now = time.time() if TIME_CACHE is None: sec_delta = 0 max_score = now else: sec_delta = TIME_CACHE.total_seconds() max_score = now - sec_delta try: with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_requests', blocking_timeout=LOCK_TIMEOUT): link_pool = [pickle.loads(link) for link in _redis_command('zrangebyscore', 'queue_requests', min=0, max=max_score, start=0, num=MAX_POOL)] if TIME_CACHE is not None: new_score = now + sec_delta _save_requests_redis(link_pool, score=new_score) # force update records except redis_lock.LockError: warning = warnings.formatwarning(f'[REQUESTS] Failed to acquire Redis lock after {LOCK_TIMEOUT} second(s)', LockWarning, __file__, 250, "_redis_get_lock('lock_queue_requests')") print(render_error(warning, stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), end='', file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member link_pool = list() return link_pool
[docs]def load_selenium(check: bool = CHECK) -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`selenium` database. Args: check: If perform checks on loaded links, default to :data:`~darc.const.CHECK`. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`selenium` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. See Also: * :func:`darc.db._load_selenium_db` * :func:`darc.db._load_selenium_redis` """ if FLAG_DB: with database.connection_context(): link_pool = _load_selenium_db() else: link_pool = _load_selenium_redis() if check: link_pool = _check(link_pool) if VERBOSE: print(stem.util.term.format('-*- [SELENIUM] LINK POOL -*-', stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member print(render_error(pprint.pformat(sorted(link.url for link in link_pool)), stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member print(stem.util.term.format('-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns, stem.util.term.Color.MAGENTA)) # pylint: disable=no-member return link_pool
[docs]def _load_selenium_db() -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`selenium` database. The function reads the :class:`~darc.model.tasks.selenium.SeleniumQueueModel` table. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`selenium` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. """ now = if TIME_CACHE is None: sec_delta = 0 max_score = now else: sec_delta = TIME_CACHE max_score = now - sec_delta with database.atomic(): query: typing.List[SeleniumQueueModel] = ( SeleniumQueueModel .select( .where(SeleniumQueueModel.timestamp <= max_score) .order_by(SeleniumQueueModel.timestamp) .limit(MAX_POOL) ) link_pool = [ for model in query] if TIME_CACHE is not None: new_score = now + sec_delta _save_selenium_db(link_pool, score=new_score) # force update records return link_pool
[docs]def _load_selenium_redis() -> typing.List[Link]: """Load link from the :mod:`selenium` database. The function reads the ``queue_selenium`` database. Args: check: If perform checks on loaded links, default to :data:`~darc.const.CHECK`. Returns: List of loaded links from the :mod:`selenium` database. Note: At runtime, the function will load links with maximum number at :data:`~darc.db.MAX_POOL` to limit the memory usage. """ now = time.time() if TIME_CACHE is None: sec_delta = 0 max_score = now else: sec_delta = TIME_CACHE.total_seconds() max_score = now - sec_delta try: with _redis_get_lock('lock_queue_selenium', blocking_timeout=LOCK_TIMEOUT): link_pool = [pickle.loads(link) for link in _redis_command('zrangebyscore', 'queue_selenium', min=0, max=max_score, start=0, num=MAX_POOL)] if TIME_CACHE is not None: new_score = now + sec_delta _save_selenium_redis(link_pool, score=new_score) # force update records except redis_lock.LockError: warning = warnings.formatwarning(f'[SELENIUM] Failed to acquire Redis lock after {LOCK_TIMEOUT} second(s)', LockWarning, __file__, 299, "_redis_get_lock('lock_queue_selenium')") print(render_error(warning, stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), end='', file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member link_pool = list() return link_pool