Darkweb Crawler ProjectΒΆ

darc is designed as a swiss army knife for darkweb crawling. It integrates requests to collect HTTP request and response information, such as cookies, header fields, etc. It also bundles selenium to provide a fully rendered web page and screenshot of such view.

As the websites can be sometimes irritating for their anti-robots verification, login requirements, etc., the darc project also privides hooks to customise crawling behaviours around both requests and selenium.

See also

Such customisation, as called in the darc project, site hooks, is site specific, user can set up your own hooks unto a certain site, c.f. darc.sites for more information.

Still, since the network is a world full of mysteries and miracles, the speed of crawling will much depend on the response speed of the target website. To boost up, as well as meet the system capacity, the darc project introduced multiprocessing, multithreading and the fallback slowest single-threaded solutions when crawling.


When rendering the target website using selenium powered by the renown Google Chrome, it will require much memory to run. Thus, the three solutions mentioned above would only toggle the behaviour around the use of selenium.

To keep the darc project as it is a swiss army knife, only the main entrypoint function darc.process.process() is exported in global namespace (and renamed to darc.darc()), see below: