Web Backend DemoΒΆ

This is a demo of API for communication between the darc crawlers (darc.submit) and web UI.

Assuming the web UI is developed using the Flask microframework.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

import flask  # pylint: disable=import-error

# Flask application
app = flask.Flask(__file__)

@app.route('/api/new_host', methods=['POST'])
def new_host():
    """When a new host is discovered, the :mod:`darc` crawler will submit the
    host information. Such includes ``robots.txt`` (if exists) and
    ``sitemap.xml`` (if any).

    Data format::

            // partial flag - true / false
            "$PARTIAL$": ...,
            // metadata of URL
            "[metadata]": {
                // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
                "url": ...,
                // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
                "proxy": ...,
                // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
                "host": ...,
                // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
                "base": ...,
                // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
                //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
                //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
                //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
                //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
                "name": ...
            // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
            "Timestamp": ...,
            // original URL
            "URL": ...,
            // robots.txt from the host (if not exists, then ``null``)
            "Robots": {
                // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/robots.txt
                "path": ...,
                // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                "data": ...,
            // sitemaps from the host (if none, then ``null``)
            "Sitemaps": [
                    // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                    //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/sitemap_<name>.txt
                    "path": ...,
                    // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                    "data": ...,
            // hosts.txt from the host (if proxy type is ``i2p``; if not exists, then ``null``)
            "Hosts": {
                // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/hosts.txt
                "path": ...,
                // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                "data": ...,

    # JSON data from the request
    data = flask.request.json  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # do whatever processing needed

@app.route('/api/requests', methods=['POST'])
def from_requests():
    """When crawling, we'll first fetch the URl using ``requests``, to check
    its availability and to save its HTTP headers information. Such information
    will be submitted to the web UI.

    Data format::

            // metadata of URL
            "[metadata]": {
                // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
                "url": ...,
                // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
                "proxy": ...,
                // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
                "host": ...,
                // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
                "base": ...,
                // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
                //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
                //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
                //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
                //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
                "name": ...
            // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
            "Timestamp": ...,
            // original URL
            "URL": ...,
            // request method
            "Method": "GET",
            // response status code
            "Status-Code": ...,
            // response reason
            "Reason": ...,
            // response cookies (if any)
            "Cookies": {
            // session cookies (if any)
            "Session": {
            // request headers (if any)
            "Request": {
            // response headers (if any)
            "Response": {
            // requested file (if not exists, then ``null``)
            "Document": {
                // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
                // or if the document is of generic content type, i.e. not HTML
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
                "path": ...,
                // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                "data": ...,
            // redirection history (if any)
            "History": [
                // same records as the original response
                {"...": "..."}

    # JSON data from the request
    data = flask.request.json  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # do whatever processing needed

@app.route('/api/selenium', methods=['POST'])
def from_selenium():
    """After crawling with ``requests``, we'll then render the URl using
    ``selenium`` with Google Chrome and its driver, to provide a fully rendered
    web page. Such information will be submitted to the web UI.

        This information is optional, only provided if the content type from
        ``requests`` is HTML, status code < 400, and HTML data not empty.

    Data format::

            // metadata of URL
            "[metadata]": {
                // original URL - <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment>
                "url": ...,
                // proxy type - null / tor / i2p / zeronet / freenet
                "proxy": ...,
                // hostname / netloc, c.f. ``urllib.parse.urlparse``
                "host": ...,
                // base folder, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in containter - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>
                "base": ...,
                // sha256 of URL as name for saved files (timestamp is in ISO format)
                //   JSON log as this one - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.json
                //   HTML from requests - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>_raw.html
                //   HTML from selenium - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
                //   generic data files - <base>/<name>_<timestamp>.dat
                "name": ...
            // requested timestamp in ISO format as in name of saved file
            "Timestamp": ...,
            // original URL
            "URL": ...,
            // rendered HTML document (if not exists, then ``null``)
            "Document": {
                // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.html
                "path": ...,
                // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                "data": ...,
            // web page screenshot (if not exists, then ``null``)
            "Screenshot": {
                // path of the file, relative path (to data root path ``PATH_DATA``) in container
                //   - <proxy>/<scheme>/<host>/<name>_<timestamp>.png
                "path": ...,
                // content of the file (**base64** encoded)
                "data": ...,

    # JSON data from the request
    data = flask.request.json  # pylint: disable=unused-variable

    # do whatever processing needed

if __name__ == "__main__":