Data Models DemoΒΆ

This is a demo of data models for database storage of the submitted data from the darc crawlers.

Assuming the database is using peewee as ORM and MySQL as backend.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import datetime
import os

import peewee
import playhouse.shortcuts

# database client
DB = playhouse.db_url.connect(os.getenv('DB_URL', 'mysql://'))

def table_function(model_class: peewee.Model) -> str:
    """Generate table name dynamically.

    The function strips ``Model`` from the class name and
    calls :func:`peewee.make_snake_case` to generate a
    proper table name.

        model_class: Data model class.

        Generated table name.

    name: str = model_class.__name__
    if name.endswith('Model'):
        name = name[:-5]  # strip ``Model`` suffix
    return peewee.make_snake_case(name)

class BaseMeta:
    """Basic metadata for data models."""

    #: Reference database storage (c.f. :class:`~darc.const.DB`).
    database = DB

    #: Generate table name dynamically (c.f. :func:`~darc.model.table_function`).
    table_function = table_function

class BaseModel(peewee.Model):
    """Base model with standard patterns.

        The model will implicitly have a :class:`~peewee.AutoField`
        attribute named as :attr:`id`.


    #: Basic metadata for data models.
    Meta = BaseMeta

    def to_dict(self):
        """Convert record to :obj:`dict`.

            The data converted through :func:`playhouse.shortcuts.model_to_dict`.

        return playhouse.shortcuts.model_to_dict(self)

class HostnameModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for a hostname record."""

    #: Hostname (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    hostname: str = peewee.TextField()
    #: Proxy type (c.f. :attr:`link.proxy <>`).
    proxy: str = peewee.CharField(max_length=8)

    #: Timestamp of first ``new_host`` submission.
    discovery: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()
    #: Timestamp of last related submission.
    last_seen: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()

class RobotsModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for ``robots.txt`` data."""

    #: Hostname (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    host: HostnameModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(HostnameModel, backref='robots')
    #: Timestamp of the submission.
    timestamp: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()

    #: Document data as :obj:`bytes`.
    data: bytes = peewee.BlobField()
    #: Path to the document.
    path: str = peewee.CharField()

class SitemapModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for ``sitemap.xml`` data."""

    #: Hostname (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    host: HostnameModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(HostnameModel, backref='sitemaps')
    #: Timestamp of the submission.
    timestamp: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()

    #: Document data as :obj:`bytes`.
    data: bytes = peewee.BlobField()
    #: Path to the document.
    path: str = peewee.CharField()

class HostsModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for ``hosts.txt`` data."""

    #: Hostname (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    host: HostnameModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(HostnameModel, backref='hosts')
    #: Timestamp of the submission.
    timestamp: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()

    #: Document data as :obj:`bytes`.
    data: bytes = peewee.BlobField()
    #: Path to the document.
    path: str = peewee.CharField()

class URLModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for a requested URL."""

    #: Timestamp of last related submission.
    last_seen: datetime.datetime = peewee.DateTimeField()
    #: Original URL (c.f. :attr:`link.url <>`).
    url: str = peewee.TextField()

    #: Hostname (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    host: HostnameModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(HostnameModel, backref='urls')
    #: Proxy type (c.f. :attr:`link.proxy <>`).
    proxy: str = peewee.CharField(max_length=8)

    #: Base path (c.f. :attr:`link.base <>`).
    base: str = peewee.CharField()
    #: Link hash (c.f. :attr:` <>`).
    name: str = peewee.FixedCharField(max_length=64)

class RequestsDocumentModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for documents from ``requests`` submission."""

    #: Original URL (c.f. :attr:`link.url <>`).
    url: URLModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(URLModel, backref='requests')

    #: Document data as :obj:`bytes`.
    data: bytes = peewee.BlobField()
    #: Path to the document.
    path: str = peewee.CharField()

class SeleniumDocumentModel(BaseModel):
    """Data model for documents from ``selenium`` submission."""

    #: Original URL (c.f. :attr:`link.url <>`).
    url: URLModel = peewee.ForeignKeyField(URLModel, backref='selenium')

    #: Document data as :obj:`bytes`.
    data: bytes = peewee.BlobField()
    #: Path to the document.
    path: str = peewee.CharField()