Source code for darc.selenium

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Selenium Wrapper

The :mod:`darc.selenium` module wraps around the |selenium|_
module, and provides some simple interface for the :mod:`darc`


import getpass
import platform
import shutil

import selenium

import darc.typing as typing
from darc.const import DEBUG
from darc.error import UnsupportedLink, UnsupportedPlatform, UnsupportedProxy
from import Link
from darc.proxy.i2p import I2P_PORT, I2P_SELENIUM_PROXY
from darc.proxy.tor import TOR_PORT, TOR_SELENIUM_PROXY

[docs]def request_driver(link: Link) -> typing.Driver: """Get selenium driver. Args: link: Link requesting for |Chrome|_. Returns: |Chrome|_: The web driver object with corresponding proxy settings. Raises: :exc:`UnsupportedLink`: If the proxy type of ``link`` if not specified in the :data:`~darc.proxy.LINK_MAP`. See Also: * :data:`darc.proxy.LINK_MAP` """ from darc.proxy import LINK_MAP # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel _, driver = LINK_MAP[link.proxy] if driver is None: raise UnsupportedLink(link.url) return driver()
[docs]def get_options(type: str = 'null') -> typing.Options: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Generate options. Args: type: Proxy type for options. Returns: |Options|_: The options for the web driver |Chrome|_. Raises: :exc:`UnsupportedPlatform`: If the operation system is **NOT** macOS or Linux. :exc:`UnsupportedProxy`: If the proxy type is **NOT** ``null``, ``tor`` or ``i2p``. See Also: * :data:`darc.proxy.tor.TOR_PORT` * :data:`darc.proxy.i2p.I2P_PORT` References: * `Google Chrome command line switches <>`__ * Disable sandbox (``--no-sandbox``) when running as ``root`` user - - * Disable usage of ``/dev/shm`` - * `Using Socks proxy <>`__ """ _system = platform.system() # initiate options options = selenium.webdriver.ChromeOptions() # if _system == 'Darwin': options.binary_location = '/Applications/Google Chrome' if not DEBUG: options.add_argument('--headless') elif _system == 'Linux': options.binary_location = shutil.which('google-chrome') options.add_argument('--headless') # c.f.; if getpass.getuser() == 'root': options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') # c.f. options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') else: raise UnsupportedPlatform(f'unsupported system: {_system}') if type != 'null': if type == 'tor': port = TOR_PORT elif type == 'i2p': port = I2P_PORT else: raise UnsupportedProxy(f'unsupported proxy: {type}') # c.f. options.add_argument(f'--proxy-server=socks5://localhost:{port}') options.add_argument('--host-resolver-rules="MAP * ~NOTFOUND , EXCLUDE localhost"') return options
[docs]def get_capabilities(type: str = 'null') -> dict: # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin """Generate desied capabilities. Args: type: Proxy type for capabilities. Returns: The desied capabilities for the web driver |Chrome|_. Raises: :exc:`UnsupportedProxy`: If the proxy type is **NOT** ``null``, ``tor`` or ``i2p``. See Also: * :data:`darc.proxy.tor.TOR_SELENIUM_PROXY` * :data:`darc.proxy.i2p.I2P_SELENIUM_PROXY` """ # do not modify source dict capabilities = selenium.webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy() if type == 'null': pass elif type == 'tor': TOR_SELENIUM_PROXY.add_to_capabilities(capabilities) elif type == 'i2p': I2P_SELENIUM_PROXY.add_to_capabilities(capabilities) else: raise UnsupportedProxy(f'unsupported proxy: {type}') return capabilities
[docs]def i2p_driver() -> typing.Driver: """I2P (.i2p) driver. Returns: |Chrome|_: The web driver object with I2P proxy settings. See Also: * :func:`darc.selenium.get_options` * :func:`darc.selenium.get_capabilities` """ options = get_options('i2p') capabilities = get_capabilities('i2p') # initiate driver driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=capabilities) return driver
[docs]def tor_driver() -> typing.Driver: """Tor (.onion) driver. Returns: |Chrome|_: The web driver object with Tor proxy settings. See Also: * :func:`darc.selenium.get_options` * :func:`darc.selenium.get_capabilities` """ options = get_options('tor') capabilities = get_capabilities('tor') # initiate driver driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=capabilities) return driver
[docs]def null_driver() -> typing.Driver: """No proxy driver. Returns: |Chrome|_: The web driver object with no proxy settings. See Also: * :func:`darc.selenium.get_options` * :func:`darc.selenium.get_capabilities` """ options = get_options('null') capabilities = get_capabilities('null') # initiate driver driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome(options=options, desired_capabilities=capabilities) return driver