Source code for darc.crawl

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Web Crawlers

The :mod:`darc.crawl` module provides two types of crawlers.

* :func:`~darc.crawl.crawler` -- crawler powered by |requests|_
* :func:`~darc.crawl.loader` -- crawler powered by |selenium|_


import math
import os
import shutil
import sys
import traceback

import requests
import selenium.common.exceptions
import selenium.webdriver
import selenium.webdriver.common.proxy
import stem
import stem.control
import stem.process
import stem.util.term
import urllib3

from darc._compat import datetime
from darc.const import FORCE, SE_EMPTY
from darc.db import save_requests, save_selenium
from darc.error import render_error
from import Link
from darc.parse import (check_robots, extract_links, get_content_type, match_host, match_mime,
from darc.proxy.bitcoin import save_bitcoin
from import save_data
from darc.proxy.ed2k import save_ed2k
from darc.proxy.i2p import fetch_hosts, read_hosts
from darc.proxy.irc import save_irc
from darc.proxy.magnet import save_magnet
from darc.proxy.mail import save_mail
from darc.proxy.null import fetch_sitemap, save_invalid
from darc.requests import request_session
from import has_folder, sanitise, save_file, save_headers, save_html
from darc.selenium import request_driver
from darc.sites import crawler_hook, loader_hook
from darc.submit import submit_new_host, submit_requests, submit_selenium

[docs]def crawler(link: Link): """Single |requests|_ crawler for a entry link. Args: link: URL to be crawled by |requests|_. The function will first parse the URL using :func:``, and check if need to crawl the URL (c.f. :data:`~darc.const.PROXY_WHITE_LIST`, :data:`~darc.const.PROXY_BLACK_LIST` , :data:`~darc.const.LINK_WHITE_LIST` and :data:`~darc.const.LINK_BLACK_LIST`); if true, then crawl the URL with |requests|_. If the URL is from a brand new host, :mod:`darc` will first try to fetch and save ``robots.txt`` and sitemaps of the host (c.f. :func:`` and :func:``), and extract then save the links from sitemaps (c.f. :func:`~darc.parse.read_sitemap`) into link database for future crawling (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). Also, if the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_new_host` will be called and submit the documents just fetched. .. seealso:: * :func:`darc.proxy.null.fetch_sitemap` If ``robots.txt`` presented, and :data:`~darc.const.FORCE` is ``False``, :mod:`darc` will check if allowed to crawl the URL. .. note:: The root path (e.g. ``/`` in will always be crawled ignoring ``robots.txt``. At this point, :mod:`darc` will call the customised hook function from :mod:`darc.sites` to crawl and get the final response object. :mod:`darc` will save the session cookies and header information, using :func:``. .. note:: If :exc:`requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema` is raised, the link will be saved by :func:`~darc.proxy.null.save_invalid`. Further processing is dropped. If the content type of response document is not ignored (c.f. :data:`~darc.const.MIME_WHITE_LIST` and :data:`~darc.const.MIME_BLACK_LIST`), :mod:`darc` will save the document using :func:`` or :func:`` accordingly. And if the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_requests` will be called and submit the document just fetched. If the response document is HTML (``text/html`` and ``application/xhtml+xml``), :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links` will be called then to extract all possible links from the HTML document and save such links into the database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). And if the response status code is between ``400`` and ``600``, the URL will be saved back to the link database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). If **NOT**, the URL will be saved into |selenium|_ link database to proceed next steps (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_selenium`). """ print(f'[REQUESTS] Requesting {link.url}') try: if match_proxy(link.proxy): print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Ignored proxy type from {link.url} ({link.proxy})', stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member return # save bitcoin address if link.proxy == 'bitcoin': save_bitcoin(link) return # save ed2k link if link.proxy == 'ed2k': save_ed2k(link) return # save magnet link if link.proxy == 'magnet': save_magnet(link) return # save email address if link.proxy == 'mail': save_mail(link) return # save IRC address if link.proxy == 'irc': save_irc(link) return # save data URI if link.proxy == 'data': try: save_data(link) except ValueError as error: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Failed to save data URI from {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member return if match_host( print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Ignored hostname from {link.url} ({link.proxy})', stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member return # timestamp timestamp = # if it's a new host new_host = has_folder(link) is None if new_host: if link.proxy not in ('zeronet', 'freenet'): # fetch sitemap.xml try: fetch_sitemap(link) except Exception: error = f'[Error fetching sitemap of {link.url}]' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() + '-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # pylint: disable=line-too-long print(render_error(error, stem.util.term.Color.CYAN), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member if link.proxy == 'i2p': # fetch hosts.txt try: fetch_hosts(link) except Exception: error = f'[Error subscribing hosts from {link.url}]' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() + '-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # pylint: disable=line-too-long print(render_error(error, stem.util.term.Color.CYAN), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member # submit data submit_new_host(timestamp, link) if not FORCE and not check_robots(link): print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Robots disallowed link from {link.url}', stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member return with request_session(link) as session: try: # requests session hook response = crawler_hook(link, session) except requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema as error: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Failed on {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_invalid(link) return except requests.RequestException as error: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Failed on {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_requests(link.url, single=True) return # save headers save_headers(timestamp, link, response, session) # check content type ct_type = get_content_type(response) if ct_type not in ['text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml']: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Generic content type from {link.url} ({ct_type})', stem.util.term.Color.YELLOW), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member text = response.content try: path = save_file(timestamp, link, text) except Exception as error: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Failed to save generic file from {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member return # probably hosts.txt if link.proxy == 'i2p' and ct_type in ['text/plain', 'text/text']: with open(path) as hosts_file: save_requests(read_hosts(hosts_file)) if match_mime(ct_type): return # submit data submit_requests(timestamp, link, response, session) return html = response.content if not html: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Empty response from {link.url}', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_requests(link.url, single=True) return # save HTML save_html(timestamp, link, html, raw=True) # submit data submit_requests(timestamp, link, response, session) # add link to queue save_requests(extract_links(link, html), score=0) if not response.ok: print(render_error(f'[REQUESTS] Failed on {link.url} [{response.status_code}]', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_requests(link.url, single=True) return # add link to queue save_selenium(link, single=True, score=0, nx=True) save_requests(link, single=True) except Exception: error = f'[Error from {link.url}]' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() + '-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # pylint: disable=line-too-long print(render_error(error, stem.util.term.Color.CYAN), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_requests(link, single=True) print(f'[REQUESTS] Requested {link.url}')
[docs]def loader(link: Link): """Single |selenium|_ loader for a entry link. Args: Link: URL to be crawled by |requests|_. The function will first parse the URL using :func:`` and start loading the URL using |selenium|_ with Google Chrome. At this point, :mod:`darc` will call the customised hook function from :mod:`darc.sites` to load and return the original |Chrome|_ object. If successful, the rendered source HTML document will be saved using :func:``, and a full-page screenshot will be taken and saved. .. note:: When taking full-page screenshot, :func:`~darc.crawl.loader` will use :javascript:`document.body.scrollHeight` to get the total height of web page. If the page height is *less than* **1,000 pixels**, then :mod:`darc` will by default set the height as **1,000 pixels**. Later :mod:`darc` will tell |selenium|_ to resize the window (in *headless* mode) to **1,024 pixels** in width and **110%** of the page height in height, and take a *PNG* screenshot. .. seealso:: * :data:`darc.const.SE_EMPTY` * :data:`darc.const.SE_WAIT` If the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_selenium` will be called and submit the document just loaded. Later, :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links` will be called then to extract all possible links from the HTML document and save such links into the |requests|_ database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). """ print(f'[SELENIUM] Loading {link.url}') try: # timestamp timestamp = # retrieve source from Chrome with request_driver(link) as driver: try: # selenium driver hook driver = loader_hook(link, driver) except urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError as error: print(render_error(f'[SELENIUM] Fail to load {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_selenium(link, single=True) return except selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException as error: print(render_error(f'[SELENIUM] Fail to load {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_selenium(link, single=True) return # get HTML source html = driver.page_source if html == SE_EMPTY: print(render_error(f'[SELENIUM] Empty page from {link.url}', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_selenium(link, single=True) return # save HTML save_html(timestamp, link, html) try: # get maximum height height = driver.execute_script('return document.body.scrollHeight') # resize window (with some magic numbers) if height < 1000: height = 1000 driver.set_window_size(1024, math.ceil(height * 1.1)) # take a full page screenshot path = sanitise(link, timestamp, screenshot=True) driver.save_screenshot(path) except Exception as error: print(render_error(f'[SELENIUM] Fail to save screenshot from {link.url} <{error}>', stem.util.term.Color.RED), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member # submit data submit_selenium(timestamp, link) # add link to queue save_requests(extract_links(link, html), score=0, nx=True) save_selenium(link, single=True) except Exception: error = f'[Error from {link.url}]' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() + '-' * shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # pylint: disable=line-too-long print(render_error(error, stem.util.term.Color.CYAN), file=sys.stderr) # pylint: disable=no-member save_selenium(link, single=True) print(f'[SELENIUM] Loaded {link.url}')