.. darc documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 6 22:53:54 2020. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ``darc`` - Darkweb Crawler Project ================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 darc :mod:`darc` is designed as a swiss-knife for darkweb crawling. It integrates |requests|_ to collect HTTP request and response information, such as cookies, header fields, etc. It also bundles |selenium|_ to provide a fully rendered web page and screenshot of such view. The general process of :mod:`darc` can be described as following: 0. :func:`~darc.process.process`: obtain URLs from the |requests|_ link database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.load_requests`), and feed such URLs to :func:`~darc.crawl.crawler` with *multiprocessing* support. 1. :func:`~darc.crawl.crawler`: parse the URL using :func:`~darc.link.parse_link`, and check if need to crawl the URL (c.f. :data:`~darc.const.PROXY_WHITE_LIST`, :data:`~darc.const.PROXY_BLACK_LIST` , :data:`~darc.const.LINK_WHITE_LIST` and :data:`~darc.const.LINK_BLACK_LIST`); if true, then crawl the URL with |requests|_. If the URL is from a brand new host, :mod:`darc` will first try to fetch and save ``robots.txt`` and sitemaps of the host (c.f. :func:`~darc.save.save_robots` and :func:`~darc.save.save_sitemap`), and extract then save the links from sitemaps (c.f. :func:`~darc.parse.read_sitemap`) into link database for future crawling (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). Also, if the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_new_host` will be called and submit the documents just fetched. If ``robots.txt`` presented, and :data:`~darc.const.FORCE` is ``False``, :mod:`darc` will check if allowed to crawl the URL. .. note:: The root path (e.g. ``/`` in https://www.example.com/) will always be crawled ignoring ``robots.txt``. At this point, :mod:`darc` will call the customised hook function from :mod:`darc.sites` to crawl and get the final response object. :mod:`darc` will save the session cookies and header information, using :func:`~darc.save.save_headers`. .. note:: If :exc:`requests.exceptions.InvalidSchema` is raised, the link will be saved by :func:`~darc.save.save_invalid`. Further processing is dropped. If the content type of response document is not ignored (c.f. :data:`~darc.const.MIME_WHITE_LIST` and :data:`~darc.const.MIME_BLACK_LIST`), :mod:`darc` will save the document using :func:`~darc.save.save_html` or :func:`~darc.save.save_file` accordingly. And if the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_requests` will be called and submit the document just fetched. If the response document is HTML (``text/html`` and ``application/xhtml+xml``), :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links` will be called then to extract all possible links from the HTML document and save such links into the database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). And if the response status code is between ``400`` and ``600``, the URL will be saved back to the link database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). If **NOT**, the URL will be saved into |selenium|_ link database to proceed next steps (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_selenium`). 2. :func:`~darc.process.process`: after the obtained URLs have all been crawled, :mod:`darc` will obtain URLs from the |selenium|_ link database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.load_selenium`), and feed such URLs to :func:`~darc.crawl.loader`. .. note:: If :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_MP` is ``True``, the function will be called with *multiprocessing* support; if :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_TH` if ``True``, the function will be called with *multithreading* support; if none, the function will be called in single-threading. 3. :func:`~darc.crawl.loader`: parse the URL using :func:`~darc.link.parse_link` and start loading the URL using |selenium|_ with Google Chrome. At this point, :mod:`darc` will call the customised hook function from :mod:`darc.sites` to load and return the original |Chrome|_ object. .. |Chrome| replace:: ``selenium.webdriver.Chrome`` .. _Chrome: https://www.selenium.dev/selenium/docs/api/py/webdriver_chrome/selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver.html#selenium.webdriver.chrome.webdriver.WebDriver If successful, the rendered source HTML document will be saved using :func:`~darc.save.save_html`, and a full-page screenshot will be taken and saved. If the submission API is provided, :func:`~darc.submit.submit_selenium` will be called and submit the document just loaded. Later, :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links` will be called then to extract all possible links from the HTML document and save such links into the |requests|_ database (c.f. :func:`~darc.db.save_requests`). .. |requests| replace:: ``requests`` .. _requests: https://requests.readthedocs.io .. |selenium| replace:: ``selenium`` .. _selenium: https://www.selenium.dev ------------ Installation ------------ .. note:: :mod:`darc` supports Python all versions above and includes **3.8**. Currently, it only supports and is tested on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) and macOS (Catalina). .. code:: shell pip install darc Please make sure you have Google Chrome and corresponding version of Chrome Driver installed on your system. However, the :mod:`darc` project is shipped with Docker and Compose support. Please see the project root for relevant files and more information. ----- Usage ----- The :mod:`darc` project provides a simple CLI:: usage: darc [-h] [-f FILE] ... darkweb swiss knife crawler positional arguments: link links to craw optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f FILE, --file FILE read links from file It can also be called through module entrypoint:: python -m darc ... .. note:: The link files can contain **comment** lines, which should start with ``#``. Empty lines and comment lines will be ignored when loading. ------------- Configuration ------------- Though simple CLI, the :mod:`darc` project is more configurable by environment variables. General Configurations ---------------------- .. data:: DARC_REBOOT :type: bool (int) If exit the program after first round, i.e. crawled all links from the |requests|_ link database and loaded all links from the |selenium|_ link database. :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_DEBUG :type: bool (int) If run the program in debugging mode. :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_VERBOSE :type: bool (int) If run the program in verbose mode. If :data:`DARC_DEBUG` is ``True``, then the verbose mode will be always enabled. :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_FORCE :type: bool (int) If ignore ``robots.txt`` rules when crawling (c.f. :func:`~darc.crawl.crawler`). :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_CHECK :type: bool (int) If check proxy and hostname before crawling (when calling :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links`, :func:`~darc.parse.read_sitemap` and :func:`~darc.proxy.i2p.read_hosts`). If :data:`DARC_CHECK_CONTENT_TYPE` is ``True``, then this environment variable will be always set as ``True``. :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_CHECK_CONTENT_TYPE :type: bool (int) If check content type through ``HEAD`` requests before crawling (when calling :func:`~darc.parse.extract_links`, :func:`~darc.parse.read_sitemap` and :func:`~darc.proxy.i2p.read_hosts`). :default: ``0`` .. data:: DARC_CPU :type: int Number of concurrent processes. If not provided, then the number of system CPUs will be used. :default: ``None`` .. data:: DARC_MULTIPROCESSING :type: bool (int) If enable *multiprocessing* support. :default: ``1`` .. data:: DARC_MULTITHREADING :type: bool (int) If enable *multithreading* support. :default: ``0`` .. note:: :data:`DARC_MULTIPROCESSING` and :data:`DARC_MULTITHREADING` can **NOT** be toggled at the same time. .. data:: DARC_USER :type: str *Non-root* user for proxies. :default: current login user (c.f. |getuser|_) .. |getuser| replace:: :func:`getpass.getuser` .. _getuser: https://docs.python.org/3/library/getpass.html#getpass.getuser Data Storage ------------ .. data:: PATH_DATA :type: str (path) Path to data storage. :default: ``data`` .. seealso:: See :mod:`darc.save` for more information about source saving. Web Crawlers ------------ .. data:: TIME_CACHE :type: float Time delta for caches in seconds. The :mod:`darc` project supports *caching* for fetched files. :data:`TIME_CACHE` will specify for how log the fetched files will be cached and **NOT** fetched again. .. note:: If :data:`TIME_CACHE` is ``None`` then caching will be marked as *forever*. :default: ``60`` .. data:: SE_WAIT :type: float Time to wait for |selenium|_ to finish loading pages. .. note:: Internally, |selenium|_ will wait for the browser to finish loading the pages before return (i.e. the web API event |event|_). However, some extra scripts may take more time running after the event. .. |event| replace:: ``DOMContentLoaded`` .. _event: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/DOMContentLoaded_event :default: ``60`` White / Black Lists ------------------- .. data:: LINK_WHITE_LIST :type: List[str] (json) White list of hostnames should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: LINK_BLACK_LIST :type: List[str] (json) Black list of hostnames should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: MIME_WHITE_LIST :type: List[str] (json) White list of content types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: MIME_BLACK_LIST :type: List[str] (json) Black list of content types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: PROXY_WHITE_LIST :type: List[str] (json) White list of proxy types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. data:: PROXY_BLACK_LIST :type: List[str] (json) Black list of proxy types should be crawled. :default: ``[]`` .. note:: Regular expressions are supported. .. note:: If provided, :data:`LINK_WHITE_LIST`, :data:`LINK_BLACK_LIST`, :data:`MIME_WHITE_LIST`, :data:`MIME_BLACK_LIST`, :data:`PROXY_WHITE_LIST` and :data:`PROXY_BLACK_LIST` should all be JSON encoded strings. Data Submission --------------- .. data:: API_RETRY :type: int Retry times for API submission when failure. :default: ``3`` .. data:: API_NEW_HOST :type: str API URL for :func:`~darc.submit.submit_new_host`. :default: ``None`` .. data:: API_REQUESTS :type: str API URL for :func:`~darc.submit.submit_requests`. :default: ``None`` .. data:: API_SELENIUM :type: str API URL for :func:`~darc.submit.submit_selenium`. :default: ``None`` .. note:: If :data:`API_NEW_HOST`, :data:`API_REQUESTS` and :data:`API_SELENIUM` is ``None``, the corresponding submit function will save the JSON data in the path specified by :data:`PATH_DATA`. Tor Proxy Configuration ----------------------- .. data:: TOR_PORT :type: int Port for Tor proxy connection. :default: ``9050`` .. data:: TOR_CTRL :type: int Port for Tor controller connection. :default: ``9051`` .. data:: TOR_STEM :type: bool (int) If manage the Tor proxy through |stem|_. .. |stem| replace:: ``stem`` .. _stem: https://stem.torproject.org :default: ``1`` .. data:: TOR_PASS :type: str Tor controller authentication token. :default: ``None`` .. note:: If not provided, it will be requested at runtime. .. data:: TOR_RETRY :type: int Retry times for Tor bootstrap when failure. :default: ``3`` .. data:: TOR_WAIT :type: float Time after which the attempt to start Tor is aborted. :default: ``90`` .. note:: If not provided, there will be **NO** timeouts. .. data:: TOR_CFG :type: Dict[str, Any] (json) Tor bootstrap configuration for :func:`stem.process.launch_tor_with_config`. :default: ``{}`` .. note:: If provided, it should be a JSON encoded string. I2P Proxy Configuration ----------------------- .. data:: I2P_PORT :type: int Port for I2P proxy connection. :default: ``4444`` .. data:: I2P_RETRY :type: int Retry times for I2P bootstrap when failure. :default: ``3`` .. data:: I2P_WAIT :type: float Time after which the attempt to start I2P is aborted. :default: ``90`` .. note:: If not provided, there will be **NO** timeouts. .. data:: I2P_ARG :type: str (shell) I2P bootstrap arguments for ``i2prouter start``. If provided, it should be parsed as command line arguments (c.f. |split|_). :default: ``''`` .. note:: The command will be run as :data:`DARC_USER`, if current user (c.f. |getuser|_) is *root*. .. |split| replace:: ``shlex.split`` .. _split: https://docs.python.org/3/library/shlex.html#shlex.split ZeroNet Proxy Configuration --------------------------- .. data:: ZERONET_PORT :type: int Port for ZeroNet proxy connection. :default: ``4444`` .. data:: ZERONET_RETRY :type: int Retry times for ZeroNet bootstrap when failure. :default: ``3`` .. data:: ZERONET_WAIT :type: float Time after which the attempt to start ZeroNet is aborted. :default: ``90`` .. note:: If not provided, there will be **NO** timeouts. .. data:: ZERONET_PATH :type: str (path) Path to the ZeroNet project. :default: ``/usr/local/src/zeronet`` .. data:: ZERONET_ARG :type: str (shell) ZeroNet bootstrap arguments for ``ZeroNet.sh main``. :default: ``''`` .. note:: If provided, it should be parsed as command line arguments (c.f. |split|_). Freenet Proxy Configuration --------------------------- .. data:: FREENET_PORT :type: int Port for Freenet proxy connection. :default: ``4444`` .. data:: FREENET_RETRY :type: int Retry times for Freenet bootstrap when failure. :default: ``3`` .. data:: FREENET_WAIT :type: float Time after which the attempt to start Freenet is aborted. :default: ``90`` .. note:: If not provided, there will be **NO** timeouts. .. data:: FREENET_PATH :type: str (path) Path to the Freenet project. :default: ``/usr/local/src/freenet`` .. data:: FREENET_ARG :type: str (shell) Freenet bootstrap arguments for ``run.sh start``. If provided, it should be parsed as command line arguments (c.f. |split|_). :default: ``''`` .. note:: The command will be run as :data:`DARC_USER`, if current user (c.f. |getuser|_) is *root*. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`