.. automodule:: darc.db :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. data:: darc.db.QR_LOCK :value: multiprocessing.Lock() I/O lock for the |requests|_ database ``_queue_requests.txt``. .. seealso:: * :func:`darc.db.save_requests` .. data:: darc.db.QS_LOCK :value: multiprocessing.Lock() | threading.Lock() | contextlib.nullcontext() I/O lock for the |selenium|_ database ``_queue_selenium.txt``. If :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_MP` is ``True``, it will be an instance of ``multiprocessing.Lock``. If :data:`~darc.const.FLAG_TH` is ``True``, it will be an instance of ``threading.Lock``. If none above, it will be an instance of ``contextlib.nullcontext``. .. seealso:: * :func:`darc.db.save_selenium` * :data:`darc.const.FLAG_MP` * :data:`darc.const.FLAG_TH` .. |requests| replace:: ``requests`` .. _requests: https://requests.readthedocs.io .. |selenium| replace:: ``selenium`` .. _selenium: https://www.selenium.dev