.. automodule:: darc.parse :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. data:: darc.parse.URL_PAT :type: List[re.Pattern] Regular expression patterns to match all reasonable URLs. Currently, we have two builtin patterns: 1. HTTP(S) and other *regular* URLs, e.g. WebSocket, IRC, etc. .. code:: python re.compile(r'(?P((https?|wss?|irc):)?(//)?\w+(\.\w+)+/?\S*)', re.UNICODE), 2. Bitcoin accounts, data URIs, (ED2K) magnet links, email addresses, telephone numbers, JavaScript functions, etc. .. code:: python re.compile(r'(?P(bitcoin|data|ed2k|magnet|mailto|script|tel):\w+)', re.ASCII) :environ: :envvar:`DARC_URL_PAT` .. seealso:: The patterns are used in :func:`darc.parse.extract_links_from_text`.