.. automodule:: darc.db :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: .. data:: darc.db.BULK_SIZE :type: int :default: ``100`` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_BULK_SIZE` *Bulk* size for updating Redis databases. .. seealso:: * :func:`darc.db.save_requests` * :func:`darc.db.save_selenium` .. data:: darc.db.LOCK_TIMEOUT :type: Optional[float] :default: ``10`` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_LOCK_TIMEOUT` Lock blocking timeout. .. note:: If is an infinit ``inf``, no timeout will be applied. .. seealso:: Get a lock from :func:`darc.db.get_lock`. .. data:: darc.db.MAX_POOL :type: int :default: ``1_000`` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_MAX_POOL` Maximum number of links loading from the database. .. note:: If is an infinit ``inf``, no limit will be applied. .. data:: darc.db.REDIS_LOCK :type: bool :default: :data:`False` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_REDIS_LOCK` If use Redis (Lua) lock to ensure process/thread-safely operations. .. seealso:: Toggles the behaviour of :func:`darc.db.get_lock`. .. data:: darc.db.RETRY_INTERVAL :type: int :default: ``10`` :environ: :envvar:`DARC_RETRY` Retry interval between each Redis command failure. .. note:: If is an infinit ``inf``, no interval will be applied. .. seealso:: Toggles the behaviour of :func:`darc.db.redis_command`.